We are very proud of our beautiful 12th century church. Whether you are a regular worshipper, like to attend church services on special occasions, or just enjoy the building and churchyard from afar, it's your village church and needs your support if it is to survive for future generations.
Excluding major repairs, it costs approximately £125 per day for the general upkeep of the building, to pay the Rector and for day to day expenses.
A further breakdown of costs can be seen here. St Nicolas cannot survive with the support of just a few - we need financial support from the wider Barns Green and Itchingfield community and from friends further afield.
Regular giving is the best way of supporting the church as it lets us understand how much money is likely to be received in the year, and plan how best to use it. Donations can be made in support of the church overall, or if you would prefer, specifically towards the upkeep of the churchyard, or fabric of the building.
There are several ways to make donations to St Nicolas Church, details of which can be found below.
Parish Giving Scheme
PGS is a highly efficient system for helping local churches with their planned giving. Gifts are collected on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis by direct debit, with PGS automatically applying the Gift Aid uplift if appropriate and then remitting the gross amount to the local church. More details of the Parish Giving Scheme can be found here.
Please contact the Treasurer if you have any questions or click here to set up your gift with the Parish Giving Scheme.
Donations through PGS can also be set-up by calling 0333 002 1271 (lines are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm). You will need to have the following information and your bank details to hand:
Church / Parish name: St Nicolas
PGS Parish Code: 10-2030206
In the village / town / city of: Itchingfield
In the Diocese of: CHICHESTER
Standing Orders (BACS Transfer)
Standing Orders are an instruction to your bank to make a donation to St Nicolas on a fixed day of the month, quarter or year. They are simple to set up as a regular payment through your online banking using the following details:
CAF Bank
Account name: Itchingfield PCC
Account number: 00017923
Sort code: 40-52-40
Alternatively, if you don't have access to online banking, a standing order can also be set-up by downloading this form, completing the left hand side and sending it to your bank manager. If you are a UK tax payer please also see the Gift Aid section below for details on how to increase your donation at no expense to you.
Donations in Church
Please give generously to collections during services, for which Gift Aid is claimed where appropriate under the Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme. Alternatively for larger donations and donations by cheque, please use the yellow Gift Aid envelopes which are available within the church.
BACS Transfer
One-off donations can be made through your online banking using the CAF Bank details provided above. If you are a UK tax payer please also see the Gift Aid section below for details on how to increase your donation at no expense to you.
Donations can be made by cheque, payable to 'Itchingfield Parochial Church Council' or 'Itchingfield PCC' and handed to someone in church, or sent to the Treasurer.
Legacies are a great way of remembering St Nicolas Church in your will. Please see the attached leaflet for further guidance.
If you are a UK taxpayer and give money to the Church, it may be possible to Gift Aid your donations. At no cost to you, this allows the Church to claim back 25p for every £1 you give from HM Revenue & Customs.
All you need to do is complete this form and send it to the Treasurer.
We are set up to receive donations through easyfundraising. Please visit our dedicated page for more information.