Bell Ringing

The Bellringers at St Nicolas ring for Sunday morning services, beginning at 10.30am for the 11.00am service on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month. Ringing practice is held on Friday evenings from 7.30pm to 9pm.

Visiting ringers are always most welcome.

The tower, dating from the 15th century, is built entirely of oak and is a separate structure abutting the church. We believe it to be the only example of its kind in the country. The tower has five lovely bells and a first floor ringing room. The oldest bell was cast in 1629. 

++ We need more Bellringers at Itchingfield ++

Would you or some of your family like to join us? Our ringers are an extremely mixed bunch covering all ages from youngsters to pensioners and from all walks of life, but there are two things we all have in common - enthusiasm and friendliness.

There are opportunities to ring for special occasions, to join with other bands of ringers, to go on outings and to ring in some amazing places both in the UK and other parts of the world. There is also a varied programme of social activities. Bellringing in Sussex has a thriving and successful young people's scene as well. There is duty involved of course and ringing on Sunday mornings is important, but you do not need to join the service afterwards.

Ringing is a most enjoyable form of mental and physical exercise. First you learn to control a bell swinging high above you using only a rope. Then you move onto ringing in time with other people, and then to learning change ringing. Unlike most worthwhile skills, ringing tuition comes entirely free. The only qualifications required are:

  • Aged between 10 and 65 (or so)
  • Able to raise arms in the air
  • Basic sense of rhythm (no other musical skills needed)
  • Ability to count to 5 forwards and backwards

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact us



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