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St Nicolas nestles in the beautiful Sussex Weald in the small hamlet of Itchingfield in a designated conservation area.
All are welcome to come to the church either to attend a service or just to find a quiet haven of contemplation. The church is open every day during daylight hours.
We are surrounded by our lovely churchyard which provides a rich and varied habitat for the local flora and fauna and a peaceful, reflective space for visitors. It's a real jewel of God's creation.
For details of our safeguarding arrangements, please see our dedicated page.
Visitors may park in the church drive, but please be respectful to our neighbours and do not block access. If the church drive is full or blocked off, please park carefully on the lane.
The church has very limited toilet facilities which are not always available for use.
St Nicolas Church
Fulfords Hill
West Sussex
RH13 0NX
St Nicolas is the parish church for the villages of Barns Green and Itchingfield and is part of the Horsham Deanery and the Diocese of Chichester. It is joined in a benefice with St Peter's Church in Slinfold. Joint benefice services are held during August and for special events.
Please send any notices for the weekly pew sheet to churchwarden2@stnicolasitchingfield.org.uk by 6.00pm Thursday at the latest.
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This Week
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Daily Message
Romans 8:38-39
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Audio File
God Be In My Head by St Nicolas Choir
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